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Letters: Child Custody, KFC's Trans Fat Diet

Listeners chime in on recent stories about a child custody mandate in North Dakota, and coverage of fast-food giant KFC's plan to eliminate so-called trans fats -- a type of saturated fat identified as a major contributor to arterial disease -- from its menu.

Day to Day senior producer Steve Proffitt joins Madeleine Brand to share some of the letters and e-mails.

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Steve Proffitt
Steve Proffitt is Senior Producer for Day to Day. In addition to on-air reporting, he’s responsible for a stable of contributing writers, including humorists Brian Unger and Annabelle Gurwitch, and musician and critic David Was.
Madeleine Brand
Madeleine Brand is the host of NPR’s newest and fastest-growing daily show, Day to Day. She conducts interviews with newsmakers (Iraqi politicians, US senators), entertainment figures (Bernardo Bertolluci, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Ricky Gervais), and the everyday people affected by the news (an autoworker laid off at GM, a mother whose son was killed in Iraq).