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Seedheads in the Garden


We seasoned gardeners are very suspicious of plants posed as eye candy, having bought oh-so-many featured flowers and having killed oh-so-many more. But Seedheads in the Garden isn't simply "garden porn," as we say in the trade.

As I leafed through this pleasurable hardback, past the naked remains of a wallflower (Erysimum) and the crusty corpse of a baby's breath (Gypsophila), it became clear to me that the backlit close-ups and continuous narrative in this book actually have something to say: Keep your hands off those decaying flower stalks and let the seeds fall! Beginning gardeners and the compulsively tidy have a tendency to cut, cut, cut, wanting to keep everything fresh and green. A book like this may just be the gift these folks need to simply let the garden spill, sway and gently decompose. (Learn about the different forms seedheads take in this excerpt.)

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