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Iraq Study Group Report Special

Earlier today on Capitol Hill, the co-chairs of the Iraq Study Group presented their highly-anticipated recommendations for the war in Iraq. In this hour-long NPR News Special, Neal Conan talks with ISG members Sandra Day O'Connor and Charles Robb about what is in the report. We'll also hear reaction from Congress.


Sandra Day O'Connor, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court (retired); Member of the Iraq Study Group

Charles Robb, Former Governor of Virginia; Former U.S. Senator; Distinguished Professor of Law & Public Policy, George Mason University School of Law; Member of the Iraq Study Group

George Packer, Author of The Assasins' Gate: America in Iraq (October 2005; Farrar Straus Giroux); Writer for The New Yorker

Rep. Christopher Shays, Republican from Connecticut

Sen. Dick Durbin, Democrat from Illinois; Senate Minority Whip (incoming Majority Whip, joins us by phone from his office in Washington)

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