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In Book, Mamet Is Bambi to Hollywood's Godzilla

David Mamet's <em>Bambi vs. Godzilla,</em> is a book of hard and funny truths about the movie business.
David Mamet's Bambi vs. Godzilla, is a book of hard and funny truths about the movie business.

Open David Mamet's new book to almost any page, and you'll find gems and grenades about the movie business. Sample:

"The observed rule in Hollywood is, Feel free to treat everyone like scum, for if they desire something from you, they'll just have to put up with it, and should they rise to wealth and power, any past civility shown toward them will either be forgotten or remembered as some aberrant and contemptible display of weakness."

The author knows his subject. Though best known as a playwright, David Mamet has written and directed movies for 30 years, and distills what he's learned in Bambi Meets Godzilla, On the Nature, Purpose and Practice of the Movie Business.

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