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Pineapple Sundae Sauce

Fresh pineapple sauce makes a wonderful topper for vanilla ice cream, and if you buy a cored, ready-to-use pineapple or chunks, the recipe can be put together quickly. (If fresh pineapple is unavailable, canned juice-packed tidbits will do fine.) Another secret to the intense fruit flavor is incorporating some undiluted frozen pineapple juice concentrate.

Makes a generous 2 cups

2 teaspoons cornstarch

5 tablespoons sugar, or more to taste

2/3 cup frozen (thawed) pineapple juice concentrate (unreconstituted)

3 tablespoons orange juice or water

2 1/2 cups diced (1/3-inch pieces) fresh pineapple or 2 1/2 cups well-drained, juice-packed pineapple tidbits (about 1 20-ounce can)

Whisk together the cornstarch and 3 tablespoons sugar in a medium, nonreactive saucepan. Slowly whisk in the pineapple juice concentrate, then the orange juice, until the mixture is free of lumps. Place the pan over medium heat and bring to a simmer, whisking. Adjust the heat so the mixture boils gently and cook, whisking constantly, just until the liquid thickens slightly and turns clear. Stir in the chopped pineapple (or tidbits). Continue cooking, stirring, until the mixture returns to a boil. Gently boil, stirring, for 1 1/2 minutes.

Remove from the heat. Taste and thoroughly stir in up to 2 more tablespoons granulated sugar until dissolved. Refrigerate the sauce in a nonreactive storage container until chilled, at least 1 hour, before serving. The sauce keeps, refrigerated, for up to 5 days. Stir before using.

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