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Tok-Cel Lima Beans (Roasted Lima Beans)

This is the dish that ignited my new passion for lima beans. Mayan chef Bruce Ucán of the Mayan café in Louisville, Ky., grew up in a small village in the Yucatan in Mexico, where people cook the beans over open fires. He says this recipe is adapted from one his mother prepared. If frozen limas are used, they will have to be defrosted. If you use fresh limas, blanch them for 1 minute then rinse and dry. All the ingredients should be ready to go since this is a quick process, similar to using a wok.

Makes 4 servings

1/2 pound fresh or frozen Fordhook lima beans

1 bunch green onions

1/2 bunch parsley

Salt to taste

Lemon juice to taste

6 ounces ground, roasted pumpkin seeds

1 tablespoon sesame oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

If using fresh beans, blanch them in boiling water for 1 minute, then rinse and dry. If you use frozen beans, defrost.

Chop the green onions and parsley, medium to fine. Set aside.

Roast the pumpkin seeds in the preheated oven, then grind them (medium to fine) in a food processor.

Put the sesame oil in a large skillet on medium heat. When the oil starts smoking, throw the lima beans in first. Saute them until they are brown and roasted.

Add all the other ingredients except the lemon juice and saute for another minute. Then add lemon juice, and serve.

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