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Fruit Chaat

Fruit <em>chaat</em> can be made with a variety of fruits.
Vishal Malhotra for NPR /
Fruit chaat can be made with a variety of fruits.

This refreshing, soupy fruit salad is a standard food for breaking the fast during Ramadan. After breaking my fast with a date, I would dip my spoon into this chaat. Served in large crystal bowls at Eid parties, slightly spicy fruit chaat is a refreshing antidote to all the cakes and creamy sugar desserts.

Makes 6 to 8 servings

1 pear

1 apple

3 bananas

2 plums

10 to 15 red grapes

1/2 mango

1 orange

1 guava

1/2 pomegranate

1 tablespoon sugar

1 teaspoon chaat masala (or 2 tablespoons if you want it spicy)**

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup orange juice

Slice the fruit into small wedges. Quarter the grapes. Add sugar, chaat masala and salt. Add the orange juice. Mix.

**Chaat masala is a mixture of spices — dried mango powder, cumin, coriander and black pepper — that is used in many South Asian snacks. It is available at South Asian markets.

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