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Recipe: Muesli "Buchinger" a la Dr. Kousmine

(A recipe for the time of reintroduction to solid food.)


1 tablespoon low-fat quark, yogurt or almond milk

1 tablespoon linseed (flaxseed) oil or walnut, almond or hazelnut oil

1/3 grated banana

1/2 coarsely grated apple

1 tablespoon grains, freshly ground or freshly made flakes or freshly sprouted or fresh coarsely ground and soaked in water overnight

1 teaspoon ground or whole or coarsely chopped seeds and nuts (sunflower, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pumpkin, sesame, pecans, pine nuts)

30 grams fruit (local fruits in season best)

1-3 tablespoons fresh fruit juice (orange, lemon, apple, pear)

Natural spices like vanilla, cinnamon, lemon or orange peel, ginger

Mix the linseed oil, the low-fat quark and the fruit juice until you have a creamy mixture. Then add the remaining ingredients. The grated apple gives the muesli a light and fluffy texture without adding many calories.

Serves one. Calories: 244; fat: 7 grams; carbohydrates: 34 grams; protein: 9 grams; fiber: 5 grams.

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