2500 Recipes, by Andrew Schloss, paperback, 384 pages, list price: $24.95
Hey, there's no shame in it — it's happened to the best of us. You've cooked the same 12 dishes for four months flat. You're sick of yourself and your dumb kitchen and the boring green beans you make every week. Worse, your ungrateful family is bored too. Enter 2500 Recipes. Could you use 50 new ways to roast a chicken? Of course you could. The same old bird gets dressed up for dinner with a gem-colored, sweetly tart, 5-minute cranberry-orange glaze. Fifty new ways to cook greens? Fifty-three new pasta sauces — why not? These are bare-bones recipes that won't do you much good if you don't know how to cook already ... but that, of course, is not your problem.
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