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NPR News Special: Analysis of March 4 Primaries

Wins by Sen. John McCain led Mike Huckabee to drop out, while Sen. Hillary Clinton cut into Sen. Barack Obama's lead.
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Wins by Sen. John McCain led Mike Huckabee to drop out, while Sen. Hillary Clinton cut into Sen. Barack Obama's lead.

Arizona Sen. John McCain swept Tuesday's GOP primaries, earning enough delegates to secure his party's nomination. New York Sen. Hillary Clinton claimed a turnaround for her Democratic campaign based on wins in Texas and Ohio.

Host Neal Conan and NPR senior Washington editor Ron Elving discuss the results of Tuesday's presidential contests, and campaign managers for Clinton, Obama and McCain discuss how the campaigns have changed over the course of the election. Also, former Congresswoman and 1984 Democratic vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro weighs in on the influence of the super delegation.


Maggie Williams, campaign manager for Hillary Clinton

David Plouffe, campaign manager for Barack Obama

Rick Davis, campaign manager for John McCain

Geraldine Ferraro, former Congresswoman and 1984 Democratic vice-presidential candidate

Scott Reed, Republican strategist; former executive director of the Republican National Committee; campaign manager for Bob Dole's presidential campaign in 1996

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