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Political Junkie: Obama Speech, Vets in Politics

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Ken Rudin, NPR's political editor, discusses Sen. Barack Obama's speech about race and the impact his remarks had on white voters.

Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA), who served in Iraq, talks about veterans running for political office — how does war experience play into campaigns?


Ken Rudin, NPR's political editor, writes the weekly Political Junkie column, has a weekly podcast called It's All Politics

Matt Bai, political writer for The New York Times magazine; author of The Argument: Billionaires, Bloggers, and the Battle to Remake Democratic Politics

Steve Stivers, Republican member of the Ohio Senate, representing the 16th District; running for election to U.S. Congress in Ohio's 15th District

Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA, 8th district), Freshman congressman running for re-election; Iraq veteran

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