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Horiatiki (Greek Salad)

Horiatiki (Greek Salad)
Nicole Spiridakis for NPR /

Traditional Greek salad incorporates olives and cucumbers, but I wanted to keep things simple, so I omitted them. This dish is especially delicious using heirloom tomatoes later in the summer. If you have time, let the salad sit a bit at room temperature to let the flavors mingle before eating.

Makes 4 servings

2 medium heirloom tomatoes or 3 regular tomatoes

1/2 red onion, thinly sliced

3 tablespoons olive oil

Salt and pepper, to taste

5 ounces feta cheese

Chop the tomatoes coarsely and retain their juices. Put the tomatoes and juice in a large bowl. Add the onion and olive oil, and salt and pepper to taste. Stir until all is well-coated with the oil.

Place the slab of feta on top or break it into chunks and mix in with the rest of the ingredients. (It's more fun to pull it apart with your fork with your dining companions as it's served.)

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