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Examples of Questionable Forfeiture Fund Spending

Albany, New York, Police Department: $7,711 on photographs of police officers and artwork for administrative offices; $16,190 on food, gifts and entertainment.

Colorado State Patrol: $340 for a walnut plaque; $832 for knives as incentive awards; $599 on embroidered polo shirts; $907 for tickets to minor-league baseball games; $1,410 for fleece vests and bomber jackets; $107 for poker chips; $234 Bath & Body Works, various items.

St. Louis County Police Department: $144,689 to reimburse employees for courses taken at local colleges and universities to complete bachelor's or master's degree programs, such as English Composition, Advanced Contract Law and Introduction to Astronomy.

Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney's Office: $5,000 for annual Christmas party, including a red cape printed with "Super Lawyer"; $6,650 on dinners, college football tickets, fundraisers and galas.

Boston Police Department: $2.6 million to lease SUVs, sedans and other vehicles for eight years. The Department says the vehicles were assigned to undercover officers trying to fit into drug scenes.

Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office: $2,040 on a billboard campaign during election season.

Kimble County, Texas, District Attorney's Office: $14,000 in per diem money for a training seminar in Hawaii.

Austin, Texas, Police Department: $12,025 for awards banquet; $3,314 for department's running team; $1,895 for a race clock; $625 for coffee mugs.

Montgomery County, Texas, District Attorney's Office: $458.41 for tequila, rum, beer kegs and a margarita machine for an employee barbecue cook-off; $870 for school folders for public school students with the message about the District Attorney: Michael McDougal supports our Willis Schools; $1,200 to golf tournament fundraiser for county constable.

Webb County, Texas, Sheriff's Office: $13,050 for newsletters and $20,000 for TV commercials, both of which the sheriff defended as important public service media, and which were criticized as re-election tools.

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