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Wanderer's Soup

This recipe is based on a velvety chicken and potato broth which provides a lovely backdrop for the fruits of foraging. When one hunts for greens, it is quite unusual to find large quantities of any one species — it is easier to get a mixture of two or three. In a city park or by a canal, we would probably pick chickweed, mallow and dandelion. ... Go on, give it a go — foraging is surprisingly addictive. — Samantha and Samuel Clark, Moro East cookbook

In a large saucepan, melt the butter in 2 tablespoons of the oil over a medium-high heat. Soften the onions with a pinch of salt for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until golden. Turn down the heat to a medium-low and stir in the potatoes, garlic, bay leaves and another pinch of salt. Put a lid on and cook gently, stirring often so the potatoes do not stick, for 25 minutes or until the potatoes are tender. Add the stock and nutmeg, bring to the boil and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Remove the bay leaves, double-check the potatoes are cooked and remove from the heat. Whiz with a handheld blender (or in a food processor) until very smooth. Up to this point, all stages can be done ahead of time.

When you are ready to serve, reheat the soup if necessary, and stir in your greens. Bring back to the boil and immediately remove from the heat. Meanwhile, fry the chorizo in the remaining oil in a small pan until well-colored, cooked through, and crisp in parts. Check the soup for seasoning and serve with the chorizo and its delicious red oil spooned on top.

Serves 4

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