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ALA President's Outgoing List of Literary Essentials

A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail by Bill Bryson. A witty historical and ecological guide through the massive Appalachian Trail with famed travel writer Bill Bryson.

The American Indian Experience Web site (Greenwood Publishing Group). The American Indian Experience offers a multimedia portal to the culture and history of native peoples through photos, essays, podcasts and a blog. The project is part of a larger family of digital resources aimed at highlighting multiethnic experiences in the U.S.

Atonement by Ian McEwan. Set in 1935 England, love, class war and vengeance shape the lives of two families connected by the fatal meeting of their ancestors.

Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous by Linda Tuhiwai Smith. Smith presents a critical analysis of Western research ideologies, challenging embraced historical characterizations of indigenous people around the world.

The Plague of Doves by Louise Erdrich. Split cultural identity, a community tightly bound to age-old legacies and a murder left unsolved shape relations in a small North Dakota farm town. When two of the town's youth become romantically involved, they're forced to confront divisive traditions and decide what they're willing to sacrifice.

There's Nothing in This Book That I Meant to Say by Paula Poundstone. Poundstone takes the distinct life experiences of seven iconic historical figures and finds principles common to lessons learned in her own life.

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