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Presidents Hoover and Truman On 'This I Believe'

Former presidents Herbert Hoover (left) and Harry Truman, pictured above in 1947, both wrote "This I Believe" essays.
Time Life Pics/Getty Images / Thomas D. Mcavoy
Thomas D. Mcavoy
Former presidents Herbert Hoover (left) and Harry Truman, pictured above in 1947, both wrote "This I Believe" essays.

Fifty years ago, millions of Americans sat by their radios and listened to the original This I Believe series. For five minutes each day, they heard from statesmen and secretaries, teachers and cab drivers — all of whom spoke about their most deeply held beliefs.

Former presidents Herbert Hoover and Harry Truman both participated in the 1950s series.

Hoover's belief blended his scientific background with his religious faith.

Truman spoke of ending racial and religious discrimination.

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