Travis Larchuk/NPR /
CAUTION: Dry ice is REALLY COLD, -109.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't hold the dry ice with your bare hands or do anything else to show off with it. Glass and plastic can break from the stress that extreme temperature changes cause, so don't shake these drinks in glass or plastic containers. Always shake bar shakers away from your face and eyes – and away from anyone else's face and eyes, too.
Serves 1. Note: You'll have to move fast — you don't want your martini particularly carbonated and you don't want it freezing completely solid, either.
- Combine gin and vermouth in the bar shaker. Add a few small chunks of dry ice to the shaker. The liquid will start bubbling immediately, spewing out gas at a terrific rate.
- Swirl the contents rather than shake them, as the outpouring of gas combined with the chilly temperature will make it difficult to put the lid on the shaker. It will not take long to make the martini sufficiently cold.
- Pour the martini through a strainer into a glass. Much of the martini will have frozen into tiny crystals, making the liquid translucent with the consistency of honey. Serve immediately.
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