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Cream of Asparagus Soup

Serves 4

1/2 pound fresh asparagus
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons butter with salt
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2/3 cup water
1 1/3 cup hot milk
1/3 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon white pepper

Snap off and discard tough asparagus bottoms and break off the asparagus tips. Slice the stems and sweat with onion in butter until the onions are translucent. Sprinkle with flour and cook over a low heat for 10 minutes. Add water while stirring constantly and continue to cook until thickened, and flour cooks out.

Blend soup with milk. Strain and season. Add salt and pepper. Heat gently but don't boil. Saute asparagus tips in butter until tender and add to soup.

Courtesy of Michael Edwards.

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