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Salad Of Sorrel, Endive And Mushrooms With Walnut Dressing

Salad Of Sorrel, Endive And Mushrooms With Walnut Dressing
Bonny Wolf for NPR /

This earthy salad recipe is adapted from Elizabeth Schneider's Uncommon Fruits & Vegetables (Perennial Library 1986). The sourness of the sorrel and bitterness of the endive are countered by the sweetness of balsamic vinegar and walnuts.

Makes 6 servings

1/3 cup walnuts

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon cider vinegar

1/4 teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons walnut oil

2 tablespoons peanut oil

1/2 pound sorrel

1/2 pound Belgian endive

1/2 pound mushrooms

Pepper to taste

Preheat toaster oven to 375. Toast walnuts for 5 minutes. Cool and chop in coarse pieces. Set aside.

Combine vinegars and salt. Mix. Gradually beat in the oils. Set aside.

Strip off and discard sorrel stems and any woody ribs. Cut leaves in narrow strips. Trim bases and cores from endive, then thinly slice. Slice mushrooms thin.

Combine sorrel, endive and mushrooms in a serving bowl. Add walnuts and pepper. Pour dressing over and toss gently.

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