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Chicken Skewers Marinated In Paprika-Mint Yogurt

Chicken Skewers Marinated In Paprika-Mint Yogurt
T. Susan Chang for NPR /

I almost always prefer grilling dark chicken meat to breast meat, which dries out the second you look at it. This yogurt marinade has an enviable moistening and tenderizing effect — and the longer you can leave the chicken in, the better it will be. You will need about 20 wooden skewers.

Makes 4 to 6 servings

4 cloves garlic

Salt to taste

1-1/2 cups yogurt (full fat or low-fat)

2 tablespoons dried mint

1-1/2 tablespoons sweet paprika

Juice of 1 lemon

3 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs

Crush the garlic with a bit of salt in a mortar and pestle until it forms a paste (alternatively, you can use a garlic press). Combine with the remaining marinade ingredients in a heavy-duty plastic freezer bag. Set aside while you prepare the chicken.

Lay the thighs on a cutting board; unfold each boneless thigh to its full length. Cut crosswise into strips about 1 1/2- inches wide — you'll get 2 or 3 from each thigh. Drop the strips into the marinade bag and massage the marinade into the chicken. Refrigerate for 6 hours or overnight.

Meanwhile, soak the wooden skewers in water for an hour or more (this prevents them from burning on the grill).

Preheat a gas grill or start the coals for a charcoal grill. While the grill is heating, carefully thread the chicken onto the skewers. Grill over high heat, turning once, until just cooked through, 5 to 7 minutes. Serve immediately.

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