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Baked Peaches With Chipotle

Baked Peaches
Kevin D. Weeks for NPR

Chipotles are smoked jalapeno peppers. They have a hot edge but aren't that spicy — just enough to set off the sweetness of the peaches. Although chipotle is available as a ground powder in the spice section at many supermarkets, I prefer to buy whole chipotles and grind my own (in a coffee mill dedicated to grinding spices) so I can control how fine the powder is and how many seeds — the source of the heat — are included.

Makes 6 servings

3 large freestone peaches (it's easier to remove the pits from freestones while leaving each half intact)

2 tablespoons coarsely ground dried chipotle

3 tablespoons salted butter, melted

Heat oven to 375 degrees and line a small baking sheet with aluminum foil.

Wash fuzz off peaches by gently rubbing under running water. Dry, then cut peaches in half and remove pits. Place peaches cut side up on the baking sheet. Pierce peaches with a fork in several places, being careful not to break through the skin, and drizzle with butter. The fork holes enable some of the butter to get down into the peach.

Sprinkle about a teaspoon of chipotle on each peach and place in center of oven. Bake for 20 minutes.

These can be served straight up, but topping them with a dollop of mascarpone is also delicious.

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