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Quince Pip Tea For A Sore Throat

Vegetarian chef Deborah Madison features several quince recipes in her Local Flavors cookbook (Broadway Books 2002), including this brew. Make up a batch just in time for cold season. The medicinal, emollient-coated quince seeds are used to soothe sore throats the world over, so why waste the cores?

Quince Pip Tea
Laura McCandlish for NPR /

Makes 4 cups

Skins, cores and pips (seeds) of 4 quinces

2 quarts water


Put the skins, cores and pips in a saucepan with water. Bring to a boil, then simmer until the liquid is syrupy and reduced to about 1 quart. While still warm, strain and sweeten to taste with honey.

Refrigerate in a clean jar. Sip warm or cold when you feel the need for something soothing on your throat. The tea keeps in the refrigerator for several months.

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