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Dominique Crenn's Turkey 'Roulade' And Legs Confit

Serves 4

Turkey 'Roulade'

2 whole boneless turkey breasts

1/4 pound sliced smoked pancetta

1 pound wild mushrooms

1 tablespoon of minced garlic

1 tablespoon of minced shallots

1 tablespoon of chopped fresh thyme

2 tablespoons of Madeira wine

1/2 of crumbled sage bread (without the crust)

4 ounces of winter truffles

Kitchen twine


1. Saute the wild mushrooms with the garlic, shallots and thyme. Once soft, deglaze with the Madeira wine, let cool, and then mix in a bowl with the sage bread and sliced truffles.

2. Butterfly the turkey breasts and lay a piece of pancetta under each. Stuff the breasts with the mushrooms stuffing. Roll turkey breasts up and secure with kitchen twine, and season with salt and pepper.

3. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Sear both sides of the roulade lightly on the stove in a hot pan. Remove turkey roulades from the pan and transfer them to a baking sheet. Cover with foil and cook about 45 minute to 1 hour, or until the meat reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees. When cooked, let the meat rest for 10 minutes before serving. (Warm if necessary in oven with a bit of stock to keep meat moist).

Confit Turkey Legs

2 turkey legs

1 branch of fresh oregano

1 branch of fresh sage

1 teaspoon of fresh thyme

2 bay leaves

Kosher salt

2 tubs of rendered duck (ask your butcher)


1. Hand-crush all the herbs together, and then rub the spice blend all over the turkey legs. Sprinkle legs generously with salt and black pepper. Chill overnight uncovered in the refrigerator.

2. The next day, remove the legs from the spice cure and dry the legs with a paper towel. Transfer the legs to a deep baking sheet.

3. Heat oven to 225 degrees and heat the duck fat slowly over a bain-marie. When a liquid consistency of the duck fat is achieved, pour it over the turkey legs. Cover pan with foil. Confit the legs in the oven for about 6 hours. Remove from the oven and store in the fat in the refrigerator.

4. When ready to serve, warm the turkey legs with the fat in a 400-degree oven. Once warmed through, remove the legs from the fat and keep the duck fat for other use, being sure to strain it before using.

5. In a hot cast iron pan, crisp the skin of the legs before placing the pan in a 400-degree oven for 8-10 minutes, or until an internal temperature of 165 degrees is reached.

To plate:

Slice the roulade thinly and place attractively on a platter. Place each turkey leg on the platter on either side and serve.

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