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'Growing Up Laughing' With Marlo Thomas

Imagine growing up in a home where your father's pals included Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, George Burns and Bob Hope.

That's how actress Marlo Thomas was raised: surrounded by giants of comedy, including her father, Danny Thomas. Danny Thomas and his friends, "The Boys," regularly traded jokes and pranks around the dining room table that kept Marlo laughing -- and provided her first taste of the comedy business.

Thomas also learned the craft of comedy from her father, sitting in as he listened to recordings of his material to hone his act and traveling with him to nightclubs and movie sets.

In her memoir, Growing Up Laughing: My Story And The Story Of Funny, Thomas shares her childhood memories and explores her comedic roots. Thomas' memoir also includes her own interviews with some of today's top comedians -- including Chris Rock and Ben Stiller -- about how they "found their funny."

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