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What's Your #NPResolution for 2014?

Jan 2014 #npresolutions

At NPR, we constantly strive to be better: as an organization, as storytellers, as individual human beings. It's a year-round gig, yet there's something especially powerful about hanging up a new calendar. It gets us reflecting on the past year – and thinking intentionally about the year ahead.

Enter three dreaded words: New Year's Resolutions.

Only dreaded, of course, because said resolutions are infamously tough to keep. But we figure there's strength in numbers - and as we shared with you during #NPRNOTY, there are 34.6 listeners tuning into NPR stations each week! Since we're all in this 2014 thing together, maybe we can keep each other accountable (and have some fun) as we resolve to keep our #NPResolutions and become a bit better in 2014.

Here's how it works:

  • Create a VINE that introduces you and your New Year's Resolution
  • Tweet it to @NPR with hashtag #NPResolution
  • Encourage your friends to join the fun (strength in numbers, remember?)
  • Would you rather not make a video? No problem. Simply leave your resolution in a comment below! Look out for a blog post next week featuring your entries.

    Here we come, 2014!

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    Joanna Pawlowska