President Trump is taking the first trip of his term on Friday to North Carolina and California, visiting communities grappling with recovery from natural disasters.
Medical advances mean many more people are surviving cancer and living for years or decades with its after effects. Here's how they are navigating life after treatment.
All four hostages are female Israeli soldiers. They are expected to be released Saturday in accordance with a ceasefire agreement with Israel that's halted fighting in the Gaza war since last weekend.
Chinese author Fang Fang posted notes online while being quarantined in Wuhan. They became Wuhan Diary. She talks with us about two more of her books now coming to English readers.
Friday's debut of new pandas at the National Zoo in D.C. is the latest chapter in a long tale of "panda diplomacy" between China and the rest of the world.
How President Trump wants to use disaster relief funds as political leverage. And, why he says DEI programs are illegal and wants to end investigations into military extremism.