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The Land That Takes You

Season 1 Episode 3 | 43m 31s

Patti Little Bird is desperate to get her kids back, but she doesn’t know where they have been taken. Eighteen years later, Bezhig/Esther, who has made her way back to the prairies, is desperate to find her family. Both women are lost, tangled in the exact same place, decades apart.

Aired: 10/25/23 | Expires: 11/30/24
The Land That Takes You
Latest Episodes
The Little Bird family comes together to mourn death and celebrate life.
When tragedy strikes, Esther realizes that she needs her mother, Golda, more than anyone.
Esther returns to Montreal to confront her adoptive mother about her new revelations.
Determined to learn more about her pre-adoption life, Esther uproots her life.
In 1968 Bezhig Little Bird was taken from her family. Now she questions her adoptive life.
Determined to learn more about her pre-adoption life, Esther uproots her life.
In 1968 Bezhig Little Bird was taken from her family. Now she questions her adoptive life.
Go behind the scenes of Little Bird and the movement for Indigenous narrative sovereignty.
Go behind the scenes of Little Bird and the movement for Indigenous narrative sovereignty.
The Little Bird family comes together to mourn death and celebrate life.
When tragedy strikes, Esther realizes that she needs her mother, Golda, more than anyone.
Esther returns to Montreal to confront her adoptive mother about her new revelations.
Patti Little Bird and Behzig/Esther are desperate to find their families, decades apart.
Determined to learn more about her pre-adoption life, Esther uproots her life.
Bezhig Little Bird longs for the family she lost and to fill in the missing pieces.