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VPM Brand FAQs

VPM brand logo

What does VPM mean?

VPM represents Virginia’s home for public media.

Why did you change your name? 

Our station now represents communities across Virginia, and our services have expanded to include radio, television, digital, social media and community outreach. We changed our name to create one unified brand for all of our services in all of our markets, which will help audiences find us in a crowded media landscape. 

Did you do research to see what the community thought of changing your name?

We did.  We held focus groups with the Virginia Foundation for Public Media and Commonwealth Public Broadcasting Corporation Boards, our Community Advisory Boards, supporters, community members and our staff.  We also surveyed nearly 38,000 people, including donors, email subscribers and the general public.  A statistical sample would have been to receive a 1% response rate.  We received an amazing 7.6% response rate.  74% of those who responded felt that changing our name was either a good idea (43%) or responded that it wouldn’t change how they felt about us (31%).  

Has your mission changed?

No.  Our mission remains the same, as does our commitment to the communities we serve.  Our mission is to use the power of media to educate, entertain and inspire.

I noticed some changes in TV programming.  Have you taken away my favorite shows?

We standardized our main PBS schedule in all of our markets to help us better promote all of our shows--especially our local shows—and make it easier for our audiences to find what they want.  Some shows have changed days and times. To find your favorite show, go to  

I have a Community Idea Stations membercard.  Do I need to get a VPM membercard?  You may continue to use your Community Idea Stations Membercard.  When it’s time to receive your next membercard, it will be a VPM Membercard.

Is Passport changing? Yes, it will now be known as VPM Passport.  Will my account still work? Yes.

Why did you choose the new name/logo?

Our market research showed that our audiences want public media to be trustworthy, thought-provoking, educational and entertaining.  We chose this logo because it is strong, dependable and timeless.  Its strength and bold stance also allows us to use the letters as “window” so we can showcase the iconic landscapes and places in the communities we serve.  

Who designed the logo?

We worked with a branding and design agency.  We wanted something that reflected our values and our commitment to community.  We designed to logo to be clean, bold and fun and would stand out on all platforms, including digital.

Who approved the new name/logo?

We had a branding committee made up of staff members across all platforms.  We also got feedback from the VFPM and CPBC Boards as well as an Executive Branding Committee composed of 2 members from each of our 5 community boards.  Ultimate approval came from our president.

I have a comment about the new name/logo change?

Please share your suggestion at [email protected] and it will be forwarded to our Director of Marketing.

We use your logo when recognizing VPM as a partner.  How can I get a new file for your logo?  Contact Eleanor Stickley at [email protected].  She will provide you with what you need.