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    An intimate four-hour series from Henry Louis Gates, Jr., The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Songwill explore the 400-year-old story of the black church in America, the changing nature of worship spaces, and the men and women who shepherded them from the pulpit, the choir loft, and church pews.
  • November 3 is the final voting day of the 2020 election. Follow our live coverage and results from VPM News.
  • Watch or listen live at 7 p.m. on October 6 as Richmond mayoral candidates discuss pressing local issues.
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    Peggy Singlemann visits Allison Hurst at Legacy Farm in Richmond’s Church Hill to learn how they create workforce development opportunities for youth while also providing their neighbors access to quality food. Keith Nevison meets up with Devin Floyd of the Center for Urban Habitats to explore an old growth prairie ecosystem and find out how it inspired an urban greenspace. The Tip from Maymont is on how to plant bulbs in layers to create spring containers that look better for longer. Email us your gardening questions at [email protected] or join the conversation on Facebook.
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    The first of three 2020 presidential debates kicks off in Cleveland, Ohio, where incumbent President Donald Trump meets former Vice President Joe Biden.
  • VPM is a trusted producer and presenter of award-winning documentaries, seamlessly showcasing locally-produced programs alongside national PBS documentaries. Our mission to educate, entertain and inspire drives us to continue to provide programs that connect you to what matters. Have you seen these local productions?
  • These are undeniably stressful times. Managing that stress is a crucial part of how we will all get through this. We often hear about yoga and meditation as great ways to reduce stress, but do these eastern practices really work or is it just a hippie-urban legend? Does yoga actually reduce stress?
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    Episode 3 begins by dissecting a theory by Neil Howe that history shows periods of great civic catastrophe and reconstruction every 80 to 90 years since the Middle Ages.
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    Episode 2 takes the viewer around the world to explore other democracies. Each of our “problems” established in episode 1 is projected onto other country examples adding an interesting perspective to our own democratic successes and weaknesses.