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Hopewell Christmas Bird Count

Northern Cardinal print
detail from "Cardinal Grosbeak" (print by R. Have, London 1833)

For over 100 years, the National Audubon Society has held an annual Christmas Bird Count between December 14 and January 5 at locations throughout the western hemisphere. During this time, volunteers are assigned to specific, mapped areas to count every bird they see and hear.

This year, the Richmond Audubon Society is hosting the Hopewell Christmas Bird Count on Sunday, December 15th. This is a great opportunity to join other volunteers to cover designated areas.

Each count takes place in an established 15-mile wide diameter circle, and is organized by a count compiler. Volunteers follow specified routes and count every bird they see or hear all day. This is not just a species tally, but an indication of the total number of birds in the circle that day.

The data collected by observers over the past century allow researchers, conservation biologists, and interested individuals to study the long-term health and status of bird populations across North America. Having a long-term perspective helps conservationists to protect birds and their habitats, and also helps identify environmental issues that have implications for humans too. 

If you would like to volunteer, contact Arun Bose.

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