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BLAST: Building Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology

STEM Students

Do you know a Virginia 8th or 9th grader who is curious about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)? Encourage them to apply for BLAST!

BLAST stands for  Building Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology, and it offers a residential summer experience at Old Dominion University, Virginia Tech and the University of Virginia.

For three days, students can experience dorm life and attend interactive, hands-on STEM classes with college faculty and staff. (BLAST is offered free of charge to accepted students, but each family is responsible for transportation to and from the college on the first and last day.)

Applications are open to interested students with at least a C+ average, and will be accepted through February 10. There are materials you’ll need to gather and send with the application, so get started as soon as you can!


2020 BLAST Program Sessions:

Old Dominion University: June 28-July 1

Virginia Tech: July 5-8

University of Virginia: July 12-15