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All Henrico Reads with Robin Sloan

Sourdough book cover

Henrico County Public Library’s All Henrico Reads program is featuring a book that explores the tension between technology and craft in today’s America.

As our day-to-day lives become increasingly driven by technology, our reverence for the hand-made and the artisanal seems to grow deeper. The rise of smartphones, Google, and Amazon coincided with the rise of craft beer, the fetishization of farmer’s markets, and a greater veneration of home cooking. Is it nostalgia, or is it something deeper? What does this say about our values? 

Sourdough, a novel by internationally-bestselling author Robin Sloan, is set in the San Francisco Bay area, a hotspot for tech companies. While working as a programmer at a robotic arm manufacturer, protagonist Lois is given a sourdough starter by neighborhood bakers—a gift that leads her on a culinary adventure with vocational, legal and moral consequences.

Take some time to read this thought provoking, yet light-on-its-feet blend of science fiction, satire and fantasy. The Washington Post describes it as “Delicious fun...a novel as delectable as its namesake.”

Then mark your calendar for April 2 at 7:00 p.m., at Glen Allen High School and enjoy the FREE All Henrico Reads author event, an informal discussion with the author about the book and his writing career.