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Show Us What You’re Growing

People watering seedlings in their garden
Credit: Storyblocks

We’re living in unprecedented times. While the pandemic brings many uncertainties, there is one thing we can count on, it is officially growing season.

Are you gardening for your mental well-being? Is this your first time creating a raised bed? This year, did you decide to raise chickens? 

We want to see what you are growing, why you are growing it and how your gardening habits may be different because of COVID-19. If you have any home gardening tips, we’d love to know those as well.

We are looking for videos, audio diaries and photos to share on VPM television, radio and social media. Email us at [email protected] with your name, what you are growing, and where you are from.


For the video, include the following information:

  • Your name
  • What you are growing
  • Why you are growing and how it is related to the current situation
  • BONUS: If you have a tip, we'd love to hear that too.

By submitting your video to [email protected], it could be used in the next episode of Virginia Home Grown. We will reach out to you directly if your video is used on air.


For audio diaries, record at least 2-3 minutes at a time, always starting with stating your name (and anyone you’re with); the date/time; and location. We’ve created some prompts to get you on the right path.

  • How long have you been a gardener?
  • What do you grow?
  • Describe the smell and taste of some of your vegetables?
  • What plants do you recommend for a new gardener?
  • What tips do you have for growing those plants?
  • Why do you garden?
  • What benefits has gardening brought to your life?
  • In what way has COVID-19 affected your gardening?
  • Was there someone who inspired you to garden?

By submitting your audio diary to [email protected], it could be used on VPM News. 88.9 FM Here is an example of a college student's audio diary edited for a radio feature Audio Diaries: Last Students on Campus.


If photos are more your speed, we'd love to see those as well! Email your photos to [email protected] and we could share them on the VPMand Virginia Home Grown Facebook pages.


Related Articles
  1. How to Record an Audio Diary on Your Phone
  2. How to Take a Photo on Your Phone
  3. How to Record a Video on Your Phone