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Read Write Now: "Media and Media Literacy"

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Episode 3: Take a LOOK at the root of the week (VIS). Learn about the different types of media in our world and why it is important to be media literate. Test your media literacy skills while investigating a 1980’s milk commercial. Learn what strategies companies used to get consumers on board with their products and ideas. Leave this episode with a media literacy toolkit!

Produced and directed by Tracey Ingle in partnership with VPM.

Additional resources:
PBS Learning Media: Media Literacy Collection
PBS Learning Media: PBS News Hour Media Literacy Collection
Common Sense Education: Media Literacy Resources for Classrooms
Media Smarts 101
BrainPop: Media Literacy Lessons

Virginia Standards of Learning:

6.4 a) Identify word origins and derivations.

       b) Use roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to expand vocabulary

6.3 a)  Compare and contrast techniques used in a variety of media messages.

      b) Identify the characteristics and effectiveness of a variety of media messages.

      d)  Compare and contrast the effectiveness of techniques in auditory, visual, and written media messages.

7.4 a)  Identify word origins and derivations.

      b) Use roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to expand vocabulary. 

8.3 a)  Analyze the purpose of information and persuasive techniques used in diverse media formats.

        b) Examine how values and viewpoints are included or excluded and how the media can influence beliefs, behaviors, and interpretations.

8.4 c) Use roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to determine the meaning(s) of unfamiliar words and technical vocabulary.