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NASA eClips™ at Home: "Water Cycle"

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Home Learning  |  NASA eClips™ at Home

Episode 2:  NASA interns, Sarah Adewumi, Lenore Miller and Jacob Wologo, explore water as it moves through Earth’s spheres in the water cycle. Learn about the processes involved in the water cycle, types of clouds and special properties of water. Learn how to create a cloud cover estimator in this engineering design challenge and how to make an "automatic" plant watering system using cohesion and adhesion. Test your scientific skills as you create a model of the water cycle and investigate evaporation. Developed for students in grades 4-7.

Produced and directed by  NASA eClips™ and presented by VPM.

Virginia Standards of Learning (2018): 3.1-LS.1 a, d, e; 3.7 b, c; 5.7 c; 6.6 b, c; LS.5 a

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