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Read Write Now: "Through the Lens of an Eyewitness"

historic photo of San Francisco earthquake

Home Learning | Read Write Now

Episode 4: Have you ever been an eyewitness to an event that you had to tell someone about? Did you share specific details about the experience? That is just what Jack London did when he wrote Story of an Eyewitness. He was charged with the task of letting the world know what happened after the great earthquake in San Francisco in 1906. Take a look at his firsthand account of the devastation that occurred as a result of this natural disaster. Take in a new root word and learn how to create your own eyewitness account. Developed for students in grades 6-8.

Produced and directed by Tracey Ingle in partnership with VPM.

More Information:
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Biography: Jack London

Virginia Standards of Learning: 

6.4 b Use roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to expand vocabulary.

7.4 b) Use roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to expand vocabulary.
d) Identify connotations.

7.6 c) Make inferences and draw logical conclusions using explicit and implied textual evidence.
e)  Identify the source, viewpoint, and purpose of texts.
f) Describe how word choice and language structure convey an author’s viewpoint. 

8.4 b) Use context, structure, and connotations to determine meaning and differentiate among multiple meanings of words and phrases.
c) Use roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to determine the meaning(s) of unfamiliar words and technical vocabulary.

8.6 b) Apply knowledge of text features and organizational patterns to analyze selections.
d) Make inferences and draw conclusions based on explicit and implied information using evidence from text as support.
e) Analyze the author’s qualifications, viewpoint, word choice, and impact.
f) Analyze details for relevance and accuracy.