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NASA eClips™ at Home: "Solar System"

making a paper plate sundial

Home Learning  |  NASA eClips™ at Home

Episode 6:  NASA interns Lenore Miller,  Sarah Adewumi, and Jacob Wologo, explore the Sun and the solar system. Learn more about some of the objects within the solar system, ways to scale distances between these objects, and the power of the Sun. Create a solar oven, your own pocket solar system model, and a working paper plate sundial. Developed for students in grades 4-7.

Produced and directed by  NASA eClips™ and presented by VPM.

Virginia Standards of Learning: 3.1-LS.1; 4.5 a, b, c; 4.6 a, b; 6.2 b, d; 6.3 b, c; 6.4 a

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