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Read Write Now: "Details Count! Creating a Strong Body and Conclusion"

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Image: VPM

Home Learning | Read Write Now

Episode 6: What is the hardest part of writing an essay? Getting started! Since we created our thesis statement and draft introduction in the previous episode, crafting the rest of this essay will be a piece of cake! This episode will focus on writing the body and conclusion of an effective essay. Learn how to make your essay details stand out and have your conclusion leave your readers wanting more. Not only will you build your writing skills, but you will also increase your vocabulary with this week's "Root of the Week."  Developed for students in grades 6-8.

Produced and directed by  Tracey Ingle in partnership with VPM.

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2017 Virginia Standards of Learning:

6.7 The student will write in a variety of forms, to include narrative, expository, persuasive, and reflective, with an emphasis on narrative and reflective writing.
a) Engage in writing as a recursive process.
d) Organize writing to fit mode or topic.
f) Establish a central idea, incorporating evidence and maintaining an organized structure.
h) Write multi-paragraph compositions with elaboration and unity.
i) Use transition words and phrases.
j) Select vocabulary and information to enhance the central idea, tone, and voice.

7.7 The student will write in a variety of forms to include narrative, expository, persuasive, and reflective, with an emphasis on expository and persuasive writing.
a) Engage in writing as a recursive process.
d) Organize writing structure to fit form or topic.
i) Write multi-paragraph compositions with elaboration and unity.
j) Use transition words and phrases within and between paragraphs.
k) Develop and modify the central idea, tone, and voice to fit the audience and purpose.

8.7 The student will write in a variety of forms to include narrative, expository, persuasive, and reflective, with an emphasis on expository and persuasive writing.
a) Engage in writing as a recursive process.
d) Organize writing structure to fit form or topic.
e) Establish a central idea incorporating evidence, maintaining an organized structure and formal style.
j) Organize information to provide elaboration and unity.
k) Develop and modify the central idea, tone, and voice to fit the audience and purpose.