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The VPM Intern Experience

Former VPM News Intern Alan Rodriguez Espinoza conducts an interview. (Photo: Crixell Matthews, VPM)
Former VPM News Intern Alan Rodriguez Espinoza conducts an interview. (Photo: Crixell Matthews, VPM)

What Internships Mean to VPM | Expanding Our Program | Hear from Our Interns | Cost Per Internship | Supporting the Internship Program

Thanks to continuing donor support, including a generous grant from the family of Sarah Raybin Portlock, VPM is proud to provide a robust array of ever-growing internship opportunities offering valuable real-world experience.



What Do Internships Mean to VPM?

Internships at VPM mean opportunity — for students, members, employees and VPM as a whole. The Internship Program shares VPM’s mission and vision, while providing interns with real-life experience in the workplace and in media-related fields of their choice. The internship experience at VPM is an opportunity for learning and growth for all involved. In fact, not only do VPM interns walk away with great experience to add to their work portfolio; when we can, we love to hire our interns, too. Learn more about the growth of our internship program below.

Expanding Our Program

VPM internship expansion shows an 1860% increase in applicants and 166% increase in the number of VPM departments hosting internships between 2020 and 2023.
Rei Palencia

Over the last three years, our program has grown exponentially, reaching and engaging more students than ever. During that time, VPM received applications from students at over 65 different colleges and universities, including more than 20 schools across Virginia.

Internship Program Key Milestones
Rei Palencia

As our program and number of applicants have grown, so have the number of departments within VPM that offer internship opportunities. Depending on which departments are offering internships at a given time, applicants can choose to apply to be an intern at up to ten different departments including:

  • VPM News/Digital News
  • VPM Focal Point TV News
  • Music/Radio
  • VPM Post-Production
  • VPM Digital
  • VPM Marketing and Communications
  • VPM Education and Community Engagement
  • VPM Accounting
  • VPM Web/IT
  • VPM News/Style Weekly Editorial Team

A Word from Former VPM Interns

A few of our recent interns shared a bit about their experiences

Yaba A. | Virginia Commonwealth University
VPM Department: VPM News Focal Point
Dream Job: News Producer
A strong point of my experience was getting to work with seasoned journalists like Angie, Roberta, and Dawnthea. I will definitely apply for more opportunities relating to field journalism and news production!
Andrew S. | University of Virginia
VPM Department: Information Technology
Dream Job: Software Engineer
I felt like I was a part of something beneficial in my community while also expanding my knowledge of technology. My mentors were very understanding and challenged me to push myself throughout my internship.

Sterling B. | University of Mary Washington
VPM Department: VPM News
Dream Job: Voiceover Artist
I fell in love quickly with the news team; I felt very safe getting to work in the most diverse, kind workplace I've ever been in. Being treated as a practicing journalist at VPM propelled me to visualize success and push myself to meet higher standards.

The people at VPM really drove the experience and made me excited to become a better storyteller. I am a different, more curious storyteller than I was before this experience!

Supporting the Next Generation of Public Media

The experience provided to our VPM interns is possible in part, because of generous members like you who recognize the value of real-world experience and fostering a passion for public media in the next generation.

Why do we need your support? The more funds we raise toward our internship program, the more interns we can host and teach. The anticipated cost for our next round of internships is $3,000 PER INTERN.

You can make a difference for more than just VPM with one donation.

Support the next generation of Public Media


Sarah Raybin Portlock Fund for Interns | VPM Internship Opportunities


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  1. The Sarah Raybin Portlock Fund for Interns
  2. Sustaining Members
  3. VPM Internship Program
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