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Water sustains our plants, but it can do so much more!

A four story grist mill with water wheel set on a rolling landscape with barns and farmhouses in the background.
Bill Pinkham's 30,000 gallon koi pond enables him to keep 30 large koi fish.

Explores uses for water in gardening and agriculture beyond sustaining plants. Peggy Singlemann learns about ornamental water features for the garden when she visits retired landscape designer Bill Pinkham in Isle of Wight to see his 30,000 gallon koi pond. In the studio Chris Bell of Bell Ponds & Patios, explains how to build a water feature that meets the goals for your landscape. Dr. Robyn Puffenbarger tours Wade’s Mill in Rockbridge County, Virginia’s oldest operating grist mill, with owners Karen and John Siegfried, to see how water power was used to process corn and grain. Shana Williams shares tips for collecting rain water, and Jen Naylor explains how she uses Korean chili peppers to make her own chili powder.

Virginia Home Grown (Season 23 Episode 3)