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Day Sponsorship

What is a Day Sponsorship?  

A Day Sponsorship is a unique way to show your support for VPM. With a one-time donation of $365 or a monthly sustaining gift of $31, you can choose any day of the year to celebrate a special event in your life or honor a friend, colleague or loved one on a birthday, anniversary, graduation or other special occasion. When you “sponsor” a day, your message will air six times on the date of your choice, provided no other donor has reserved that date. Only four Day Sponsorships are available per day, two on VPM Music and two on VPM News. Dates fill up quickly, so reserve your date as soon as possible.

Become a Day Sponsor

Questions? Contact [email protected] 

Frequently Asked Questions About Day Sponsorships

How should I write the message?  
Day Sponsorships begin with “Today’s programming on VPM is made possible by . . .” followed by your first and last name, or you and your spouse’s first and last names. After your name, there is room for up to 20 more words or word sounds. Here’s an example: “Today’s programming on VPM is made possible by John Smith, wishing his wife Mary a very happy birthday.”

If you need assistance with the phrasing of the message we will be happy to help! Please provide phonetic guidance for any names or words that might be at risk of mispronunciation, i.e. “Nina rhymes with China” or “Dana sounds like Hannah.”

Can I donate my Day Sponsorship to a non-profit?  
No. Day Sponsorships are non-transferable and may not be donated to a third party. We must clearly recognize the name of the individual or organization making the day sponsorship payment.

Can my Day Sponsorship be anonymous?  
No. The FCC does not allow anonymous funded announcements. The message must clearly identify the person or persons paying for the Day Sponsorship by their first and last names.

Can a non-profit or business purchase a Day Sponsorship?  
Day sponsorships are intended for individuals and are not meant to be “advertising.” Businesses interested in marketing on VPM are encouraged to contact our Business Sponsorship department at 804-560-8233 to learn about the options offered.

When can I use my Day Sponsorship?  
All Day Sponsorships are to be paid in full, in advance of the day selected. Your air date must fall within one year of your contribution. If you pledge $365 on March 1, you have until the following March 1 to use your Day Sponsorship. Since all Day Sponsorships are pre-recorded, we will not be able to accommodate any last-minute requests. The deadline for the information to be received will be 10 days prior to air date.

Final Dos and Don’ts
Please remember that the purpose of a Day Sponsor is to identify individuals and to help them celebrate a special occasion. No promotion of ideological, theological or political positions is allowed. Text must comply with FCC guidelines for public radio announcements. VPM reserves the right to make any necessary changes for the message to comply with our format.

Day Sponsorship Options:

*Times subject to change

Questions? Contact [email protected] 

Other Ways to Support VPM

Business Sponsorship
Day Sponsorship
Donate a Vehicle
Matching Gifts
Gift of Stock/Property
Donor Advised Funds
Gifts via IRA
Gift Acceptance Policy

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