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The Richmond Concert Chorale Presents Buxtehude's "Membra Jesu Nostri"


The Richmond Concert Chorale is presenting their second program of the 2018-19 season, Dietrich Buxtehude’s “Membra Jesu Nostri” in collaboration with the Richmond-based period instrument ensemble Jefferson Baroque and members of the Saint Benedict Catholic Church Schola Cantorum. This is a rather infrequently performed work that is a series of seven cantatas consisting of solo, choral and instrumental sections. It was composed in 1680 and is considered the first Lutheran oratorio. The English transalation is “The Limbs of Our Jesus.”

Artistic Director Ryan Tibbetts came by our WCVE Music studios to chat with me, joined by Joel Kumro, the Choirmaster and Organist at Saint Benedict Catholic Church. Performances will be held Sunday, April 7th at 7:00 p.m. at Saint Benedict Catholic Church (300 N. Sheppard Street) and Sunday, April 14th at 7:00 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church (8787 River Road).

Yours in good music,
Mike Goldberg Classical Music Host, 93.1 and 107.3 WCVE Music

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