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Young Artist Chelsea Guo Releases Debut Album

Pianist and soprano Chelsea Guo
Photo: Sophie Zhai

Young American artist Chelsea Guo is multi-talented.  She was a top prize-winner in the 2020 National Chopin Piano Competition and she's also an accomplished singer.  Her debut album "Chopin: In My Voice" celebrates her rare dual gifts, as she performs simultaneously as a pianist and soprano.  

I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to talk with Chelsea about her accomplishments and her time at the Juilliard School in New York City, where she is still a student.  You can hear our discussion about the music included on the album (mostly Chopin), as well as the instrument that Chelsea played on, built personally by Theodore Steinway in 1876 in what is often considered to be the "Golden Age" of piano making.

Yours in good music,
Mike Goldberg Classical Host, VPM Music

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