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Commonwealth Concert Opera presents an RVA Art Songs Series

Artistic Director James Taylor

The Commonwealth Concert Opera is an initiative started by local tenor James Taylor to provide performance opportunities for young, aspiring singers.  They will be performing across the Richmond area at various times throughout the year.  This coming weekend, they will begin their inaugural season of the new RVA Art Song Series at Grace & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church.  The concert ("Introduction to Romantic Lieder") is Saturday evening, April 23rd at 8pm and will include lieder by Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann.

I sat down for a lengthy chat with James to find out all about this new project.  He brings extensive experience to the table, and talked about his aspirations moving forward.  Do take a listen to some excerpts from our chat, including musical excerpts from songs that you can hear at the performance this weekend.

Yours in good music,
Mike Goldberg Classical Host, VPM Music

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