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Composer Eric Nathan talks about "Missing Words"

Composer Eric Nathan
Photo: Rebecca Fay Photography

Composer Eric Nathan has released a new album "Missing Words," which is a six-part series inspired by German words invented by writer Ben Schott in his book Schottenfreude (2013) that describe ineffable experiences of contemporary life. 

Ben Schott writes in the foreword, “Eric’s selected translation – I can think of no better word – is not just unexpected in conception, but remarkable in execution. It does with notes what I attempted with letters – that is, it takes a superficially frivolous idea, and treats it with a seriousness that reveals. Missing Words is elegant and amusing, personal and public... Schottenfreude exists because when English is exhausted, we turn to German. Missing Words exists because when words are exhausted, we turn to music.”

Listen in as I chat with Eric about his writing and the various pieces in this collection.

Yours in good music,
Mike Goldberg Classical Host, VPM Music

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