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Composer Derek Bermel's Grammy-nominated string quartet 'Intonations'

Composer Derek Bermel
Derek Bermel
Composer and clarinetist Derek Bermel

Composer and clarinetist Derek Bermel has been nominated for a 2023 Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Classical Composition. His piece "Intonations" for string quartet was composed in 2016. It was inspired by Ralph Ellison's novel "The Invisible Man" from the early 1950s.

Intonations is part of a new release featuring selected works of Bermel's from the last 20 years. I hope you have the chance to listen in as we chat about the variety of music included on the album.

Excerpts from "Intonations" by Derek Bermel
I. Harmonica II. Hymn/Homily III. Hustle

Yours in good music,
Mike Goldberg
Classical Host, VPM Music

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