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VPM Daily Newscast: Feb. 16, 2023

A young woman in glasses listening to her phone next to the VPM Daily Newscast logo in shades of blue
VPM Daily Newscast

The VPM Daily Newscast contains all your Central Virginia news in just 5 to 10 minutes. Episodes are recorded the night before.

Listeners can subscribe through NPR One, Apple Podcasts, Megaphone, Spotify and wherever you get your podcasts. 

Here’s a recap of the top stories on the morning of Feb. 16, 2023:   

Richmond City Council member’s fundraising might violate state law
Reported by VPM News’ Ben Paviour

Richmond City Councilmember Ann-Frances Lambert has spent over a month soliciting campaign donations in a bid to join Virginia’s House of Delegates.

But the Democrat, who is in a three-way primary for the 79th House District seat in the eastern half of Richmond, never set up a campaign committee to collect contributions in an apparent violation of state campaign finance law.

‘GreenCity’ could spur multimodal transportation improvements
Reported by VPM News’ Ian M. Stewart

Henrico County officials are planning a range of infrastructure improvements to accommodate the planned Green City development near the intersection of Parham Road and Interstate 95. The proposed arena and “eco-district” development will connect parks, trails and open spaces on about 200 acres.

In other news:

In case you missed it: 

VPM News is the staff byline for articles and podcasts written and produced by multiple reporters and editors.