The VPM Daily Newscast contains all your Central Virginia news in just 5 to 10 minutes. Episodes are recorded the night before.
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Here’s a recap of the top stories on the morning of Dec. 6, 2023:
As newly elected lawmakers head to Richmond, lobbyists remain
Reported by VPM News’ Jahd Khalil
Dozens of new and first-time lawmakers coming into the General Assembly present lobbyists with an opportunity to influence policy this upcoming session.
The House of Delegates will have 34 new members, although some are returning to the legislature after losing races in 2021. The17 senators entering that chamber for the first time is just as notable, although 11 had previously served in other government roles.
“That is a tremendous loss of not just institutional knowledge, but knowledge of the Code of Virginia, knowledge of its economy and knowledge of all the entities across the commonwealth that one learns throughout a lifetime of service,” saidChris Saxman, a former delegate and the executive director of Virginia Free, a pro-business group.
A new Richmond co-op increases region’s solar options
Reported by VPM News’ Patrick Larsen
For the past seven years, Charles Gerena estimates his monthly electric bills have been cut by 65 to 70% after installing a home solar array.
“The lowest bill we’ve gotten with the solar has been $13,” he said. Those savings come in the summer, when the sun rises high in the sky.
Gerena and Dorothy, his wife, wanted the solar system to offset a portion of their electric bill — sometimes well over $200 — which he said was high for a house their size. They also wanted to power their electric vehicle with clean energy. So, the couple started looking around at options.
In other news:
In case you missed it:
- Not all Richmond breweries are run by men. Style Weekly talked to four women brewers making local beer we love. (Style Weekly)
- Lynchburg students won a grant from an LGBTQ+ advocacy group to create a quiet room. The school board rejected the money. (Cardinal News)
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