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What is Equitable Transportation?

bike parking at VCU
More bike lanes, wider sidewalks are part of the new master plan. (Photo: Crixall Matthews)

One of the biggest objectives in the master plan is called Equitable Transportation. Director of Planning Mark Olinger explains.

“It means that life shouldn’t be solely dependent on the single occupancy vehicle.”

Olinger says this means more bike lanes, bus routes and sidewalks. 

One objective is to build a safe network. A woman was killed this week by a GRTC bus while crossing Broad Street near VCU.

“We need to make sure that the environment we are creating is not making it easier for tragedies like that to happen.”

The Richmond 300 Forums continue through the month of October. 

A final plan is expected to be sent to the Richmond City Council early next year.

Ian Stewart/VPM News


Ian M. Stewart previously was the transportation reporter and fill-in anchor for VPM News.