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Wason Poll: Biden Leads Trump in Virginia by Five Points

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(Composite: Official White House portraits of Donald Trump and Joe Biden.)

With the election 40 days away, Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by five points in Virginia in a poll released this week by the Christopher Newport University’s Wason Center for Public Policy.

The poll showed Biden leading Trump 48% to 43% among likely voters, but professor Quinton Kidd said among the most enthusiastic voters, “Biden’s lead grows to eight points and he crosses most importantly the 50% mark.”  He said that 51% to 43% lead is based on Democratic enthusiasm, a 27% advantage with women and erosion of Trump support among older voters who he said stood by Trump until the coronavirus.

The poll also shows Democratic Sen. Mark Warner leading Republican challenger Daniel Gade 52%-39%.

Those polled strongly support a constitutional amendment to establish a redistricting commission.  “We find it to be supported by 48% of voters, 28% say they are going to oppose it but a sizable quarter of voters are still undecided,” Kidd said.

Virginians did register some complaints.  “Voters are sour in the direction of the commonwealth and the nation,” Kidd said.  “Seventy-six percent are not happy with the direction of the nation, 56% disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president, and 47% disapprove of the direction of the commonwealth, but they are not blaming Governor Northam for that.  His approval rating stands at 53% which is where it has been for the last 12 to 15 months.”

The poll was conducted by telephone interviews September 9-21.